Worship and Fellowship News

 Elder Wayne's Upcoming Sermons and Bible Texts

  • ​​​​​​​Sunday October 13 (Worship - 10 AM) -- Empathy -- Job 23:1-9, 16-17, Hebrews 4: 12-16

  • Sunday October 20 (Worship - Halloween Celebration (10 AM) -- His Eminence? -- Job 38:1-7, 34-41, Hebrews 5: 1-10

  • Sunday October 27 (Worship - Breckenridge Village (10 AM) -- The View of the Future -- Psalm 124, Revelation 21: 1-6

  • Sunday November 3 (Worship - Holy Communion and Homecoming Sunday (10 AM) -- Different People - Same Goal -- Acts 2: 36-47, Romans 16: 1-16

  • Sunday November 10 (Worship - Harvest Pot Luck Sunday (10 AM) -- How to Pay the Laborer -- Psalm 127: 1-5, Mark 12: 38-44

Our Bible Study will resume on October 13th at 9:00 AM.  We will be studying the Book of Nehemiah